Spent the day and night at Tangier Island yesterday. Wonderful, strange place. Population is about 700. Most people share the same last name. The island makes it’s living from crabbing and a little bit from tourism. The island can only be reached by boat or plane. People are very friendly.
One of the outstanding features are the number of cemeteries. Again most of the tombstones are familiar names. Some people have graves on their front yard. Probably everyone who has died on the island has an identifiable grave here.
The owner of the marina here, Mr. Parks is 80 years old. He has no employees it seems. He offered to take us on a golf cart (there are no cars) tour of the island but it started raining.
We left there this AM and we’re now anchored off Oxford , MD. (a 10 hour trip). We’ll explore the town in the AM.