More Covid

It’s a new year and the pandemic is still raging. After our second vaccine shot we felt it was almost over and we ventured out in public. Then it was found that immunity wanes after several months. We got our boosters and again ventured out. Now Omicron. Will this ever end?

At least it’s given me time to work on this blog which I’ve been ignoring over the past several years.

I’ve added a menu item under “Travel Blog”, Key West. This was written by Janice based on her log of our trip from Stuart, Fl. to Key West.

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Covid-19 and social distancing

It’s been about 9 months since the pandemic began (or at least came to our attention). Janice and I have been taking “social distancing” quite literally. Except for occasionally walking around our neighborhood (which has been deserted) and picking up groceries that were ordered online we have been home bound. We’ve been lucky as this is not as hard for us as most people.

We received our training while cruising in the 90’s. We were on a passage from Guatemala to Costa Rica when in the middle of the night we were hit by the “Papagayo Winds”. These are unpredictable storms off the coast of Central America that can blow 40-60 kts. In addition they can last for more than a week.

We made it into a small harbor at San Juan Del Sur Nicaragua, anchoring in the dark among large rocks.

When morning came we were approached by the Nicaraguan Coast Guard. That is another story which can be read about in Janice’s book Stumbling Aboard.

My point though is that the winds persisted for seven days during which time it was too windy to take our dingy to shore (which wouldn’t wouldn’t have been a good idea anyway as the Sandinistas just lost the war and weren’t too crazy about Americans) . We never left our boat for a week. No TV, no Internet, no Zoom, nothing to entertain us but each other.

Compared to that experience this is a piece of cake. Hopefully it will be over in a few more months.


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What ever happened to Prologue?

I became nostalgic for my favorite boat Prologue. She was the boat we cruised and lived on for three years.

Prologue’s itinerary

I did an internet search and found her. She was sailed to France where she was put up for sale. I don’t know where she is now. If anyone does, please leave a comment.

French ad for sale of Prologue II


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Floating home sold

Our floating home has sold. We are now living in Vancouver, Wa (still overlooking the Columbia River).

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The End

As I’ve not been doing much traveling lately, I’ve been wondering why I maintain a travel blog. It seems to have turned into more of a personal blog. I can probably do that easier on Facebook.

While I won’t be posting much if anything in the future I’m going to continue maintaining the website. I hope visitors find the details of our sailing experiences interesting as well as other links and previous posts.

I’m still anxious to hear comments and feedback so feel free to do so.

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Finally ready

Janice’s website is finally ready.
Her childrens’ e-books are free on Amazon from 1/4-1/8. Please write a review.

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Janice’s writing

I’m working on a new website to display Janice’s books. It’s still under construction and might change drastically. Janice is thinking about starting a blog in which case the current design wouldn’t be suitable.

Any comments would  be appreciated.

The address is:

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Found the links

I guess I wasn’t “down” for too long. Thank god for Google. Apparently migrating to a different server breaks the “permalinks”. Restoring them is easy if you have the right information.

Guess I’ll be here longer than I thought. Just waiting for something to write about.


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Missing links

I recently changed website hosts and during the transfer it seems all my links have been broken. I’ll do my best to get them back, otherwise that’s the end of the blog.

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Sea Pal for sale

After much soul searching we’ve decided to sell our C-Dory Sea Pal. We just weren’t using her enough to justify keeping her. Especially since we’ll have to move her to a marina after we move to a land house.

We’ll miss her but we’re looking forward to buying an RV and going land cruising again.

To see the details: //


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