We’re at the SSCA (Seven Seas Cruising Association) gam (convention) near Annapolis, MD. This organization is the premier cruising organization in the world. It’s ranks include many circumnavigators and the elites of the cruising world. The 3 day meeting includes seminars, vendors displaying their wares and most important the ability to socialize (party) with like-minded people.
We got here a few days early to get a good spot in the anchorage. We only have a short ride to the dinghy dock.There are currently 42 boats in the anchorage and many more will come by car.
It’s been cloudy and raining since we arrived and expected to continue that way through the meeting.
Luckily the rain broke last night to allow a party on the beach of a small island in the anchorage. We met a lot of interesting people there and Janice met a couple who attended her High School in Portland (small world).