We left the dock at Chesapeake early yesterday. We were the only boat locking through at that time. The lock brought us down about a foot. Almost didn’t seem worth it.
We spent last night at Willoughby Bay. It turned out that there is an air military base nearby and thought the afternoon we got to watch helicopter maneuvers. Was pretty interesting (and noisy).
Hurricane Katia will be passing Norfolk (several hundred miles away) tomorrow and the seas are already being stirred up. The weather today was the last acceptable day until the weekend, so we decided to travel north to a place we’d like to stay until then.
We chose Onancock, VA as our destination because of the rave reviews it received from Larry and Jane (commentators on this blog).
It turned out to be the trip from hell. The winds were 25 kts with gusts to 30. The seas were 3-4 ft with the occasional 5-6 footer. It wasn’t much fun, but at least we got to sail rather than motor. With one reef in and the jib half furled we hit 12 kts and averaged 8-9.
We are currently anchored just outside the marina here and will check into the marina tomorrow AM. Janice is thrilled.
Larry remembers that we liked the Irish pub called Blarney Stone Pub at 10 North Street. Our take-out order was fish ‘n chips. Across the street on the corner of King and North was Onancock General Store/Janet’s Cafe where she had little chairs and a table outside. There were 2 other outdoor cafes on Market Street. We’re so glad you made it there! You could also sail or motor to nearby Tangier Island which is rich in history. We’re always out-of-season and miss the ferry.