Day 2. As losing our car radio which we use for XM satellite, seemed to be a major problem we decided this AM that we had to replace it. The nearest place that had a Walmart or Best Buy and had transportation to these stores was Vero Beach about a 15 mile trip. At this rate it will take about 2 years to get to the Chesapeake.
We stopped at the Vero Beach Municpal Marina mooring field. It’s wonderful here. Another name for this place is Velcro Beach. Named because once cruisers end up here they want to stick around.
Nice showers, lounge, large dinghy dock, free wifi, and best of all free shuttle buses to the shopping areas. All for $15/night.
I left Janice and Schooner at the nearby dog park and got on a shuttle. It was crowded, noisy and standing room only. It took about an hour one way, but what can you expect for free. Found a replacement radio at Walmart and it actually fits in the slot left from the old radio
We’ll probably stay here another night for me to recuperate from the bus ride. I also have to change the engine oil. This place accepts used oil. I see why cruisers like it so much.
Oh yeah, of course there was another thunderstorm this afternoon but we were secure on a well maintained mooring ball.
I’m glad you were able to get an exact fit for the radio!
Sounds like you’re on a roll of good luck. Ride it out…